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"A Colon Cleanse A Year Can Lead To Successful Aging!" A colon cleanse should be done at least once a year to rid the body of toxins, prevent colon cancer, in your quest to reverse aging. The process isn't as difficult as one would imagine but if you're not comfotable doing it first, many anti aging clinics can advise on the best approach for you. It is, without a doubt, one of the best anti aging solutions around and can save your life by helping to keep your large intestine clean and youthful. Anti aging clinics sometimes perform colonics, also known as hydrotherapy or irrigation, in which a certified colonic administrator uses a low pressure blast of room temperature or luke warm water to flush out or irrigate the large intestine. Since many believe that death begins in the colon, many life chasers turn to a system of detoxification to rid the body of toxins and restore themselves to more youthful beings. The colon cleanse regimen has become very popular over the last couple of decades as it is considered to be a big part of a complete anti aging system. colon cleanse Avoid Colon Cancer Through The Simplest Anti Aging Solutions Cancer of the large intestine affects about 1 in 17 people a year in the United States alone. In order to live longer, healthier, fuller lives, we must try to do a simple colon cleanse once in a while to avoid getting this dreaded disease. It can be said that cleaner internal pipes lead to longer, healthier lives! Successful aging can be accomplished when we understand what we're doing and why we're doing it. So in the case of colon cancer, here are the symptoms of the disease: blood in the stool and or bleeding from the rectum (either frequent or infrequent) prolonged period of constipation or diarrhea or change of consistency in bowel movements abdominal pain that can sometimes feel as though it is caused by gas or bloating unusually rapid weight loss over a short period of time a feeling that you're not emptying out your bowel completely after each bowel movement unusual fatigue or weakness over a period of time Some of the colon cancer symptoms seem pretty usual and therefore, the disease is very difficult to catch until it's a little late. Once the disease has spread, it has made its way to other internal organs and it's a matter of time before it takes another life. Therefore, a colon cleanse is one of the best anti aging solutions to the problem of colon cancer as it prevents the disease in many cases and leads to successful aging. There are many ways to go about a cleanse but many anti aging clinics will recommend the colonic irrigation or hydrotherapy because it allows a cerified or licensed professional to administer it in a safe and sterile environment. Because the large intestine, also known as the colon, is about 4 feet in length, hydrotherapy is one of the better ways to get in deep for a thorough clean that can bring vitality and youthful, glowing skin to a patient within days. That is why this treatment is one of the ultimate anti aging solutions that yields successful aging as a by product! Although a colon cleanse is one way to aging gracefully, learn other methods from the anti aging system page. Avoid Colon Cancer Through The Simplest Anti Aging Solutions Cancer of the large intestine affects about 1 in 17 people a year in the United States alone. In order to live longer, healthier, fuller lives, we must try to do a simple colon cleanse once in a while to avoid getting this dreaded disease. It can be said that cleaner internal pipes lead to longer, healthier lives! Successful aging can be accomplished when we understand what we're doing and why we're doing it. So in the case of colon cancer, here are the symptoms of the disease: blood in the stool and or bleeding from the rectum (either frequent or infrequent) prolonged period of constipation or diarrhea or change of consistency in bowel movements abdominal pain that can sometimes feel as though it is caused by gas or bloating unusually rapid weight loss over a short period of time a feeling that you're not emptying out your bowel completely after each bowel movement unusual fatigue or weakness over a period of time Some of the colon cancer symptoms seem pretty usual and therefore, the disease is very difficult to catch until it's a little late. Once the disease has spread, it has made its way to other internal organs and it's a matter of time before it takes another life. Therefore, a colon cleanse is one of the best anti aging solutions to the problem of colon cancer as it prevents the disease in many cases and leads to successful aging. There are many ways to go about a cleanse but many anti aging clinics will recommend the colonic irrigation or hydrotherapy because it allows a cerified or licensed professional to administer it in a safe and sterile environment. Because the large intestine, also known as the colon, is about 4 feet in length, hydrotherapy is one of the better ways to get in deep for a thorough clean that can bring vitality and youthful, glowing skin to a patient within days. That is why this treatment is one of the ultimate anti aging solutions that yields successful aging as a by product! hydrotherapy Colon Cleanse And Its Benefits? A large intestine should be kept clean and clear! This treatment is the way to ensure that you have a clean intestine which leads to a longer, youthful life. Doubting the effects of an internal cleaning is simply absurd! Keep your colon clean and it will lead you to successful aging. It is one of the greatest anti aging solutions for the many benefits that it provides. Benefits of a colon cleanse are as follows: elimination of impacted fecal matter, fatty tissue, mucus, cellulite, and cholesterol in the large intestine expelling of toxins from the body which are absorbed by the body if not removed elimination of candida from the body an end to acne for a more youthful glow on your skin weight loss has been known to be a side effect of a colon cleanse as it can reduce a protruding belly more youthful levels of energy easier absoption of minerals and vitamins by the body it rids the body of the "leftovers" of prescription drugs in the body in many cases, elimination of acid reflux from the body healthier and regular bowel movements on a daily basis (end of constipation) Those are some of the main benefits of a colon cleanse. Considering that fecal matter is constantly built up inside of us, we must take action to rid it from our body if we seek everlasting youth and beauty! It's been said that when Elvis Presley died, his large intestine had about 40 pounds of fecal matter in it. Can you imagine how many more years The King may have lived had he stayed away from the drugs and kept his colon clean? The treatment can effectively remove the junk left over in the body as a result of taking prescription drugs. It can also help remove wrinkles in many cases. A plan for successful aging is effective when elimination of toxins is part of the equation. A colon cleanse is among the best anti aging treatments that one can undergo. For FREE information on how cleansing and fasting can rejuvenate you, click here. Colon Cleanse And Successful Aging In order for one to undergo successful aging (or reverse aging), one must clean out the body's toxins and acidic build up. With the Standard American Diet (or Western diet) loaded with growth hormones, pesticides, and other chemicals, the body's ingestion, digestion, and excretion processes begin accelerated aging within the body. A colon cleanse is an excellent way to eliminate these problems. Since the western diet also contains large amounts of protein, the body's pH levels become very acidic and they start to age a person quickly and begin to release free radicals within the body. This leads to a multiplication of "rogue cells" that multiply out of control and spread, only to become cancer within the body. In the case of a neglected large intestine, colon cancer is usually what it starts out as then it quickly spreads throughout the other parts of the body. One of the main keys to living longer is to have lots of oxygen in the body and the right pH level for your insides. A colon cleanse can help you accomplish these goals. In order to act as a sort of antiaging medicine, a colon cleanse, is an option that should be explored as soon as possible if being disease free and younger are your objectives. A colon cleanse can be done either by taking pills, powders, or liquids orally; or by taking enemas through the rectum to force the large intestine to expel the waste. Another way to do a colon cleanse is to go to anti aging clinics to have a licensed or certified colonic administrator perform hydrotherapy in a controlled environment. It may take a few sessions to get your large intestine cleaned out but it's an option that's highly worth exploring. Although a colon cleanse is one of the greatest anti aging solutions around, it can be embarrassing to see people at anti aging clinics administering hydrotherapy on you. If this is your concern but you still have the desire to be young and vibrant for many years to come, why not do a colon cleanse on your own? To learn how, Click Here!